
1 (500g) pack PUREFOODS CRISP 'N JUICY PORK KATSU, cooked according to package directions
2 cups cooked Japanese rice
2 tbsp Japanese mayonnaise
2 tbsp store-bought teriyaki sauce
2 pc nori sheets, cut into 2x8 inch strips


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine rice, mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce. Mix well. Set aside.
  2. Line a musubi mold with a nori strip vertically positioned in the center.
  3. Place every 3 tablespoons of rice mixture into nori-lined musubi press. Once shaped, unmold and top with pork katsu and fasten together ends of nori strip with some water.


Makes 7 servings.

(Yield: 7 pc of musubi/1 pc per serving)

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