
1 pack (200 g) graham crackers
40 pc (246 g) broas
1/2 kg ripe mangoes, cubed


3 packs (250 mL each) MAGNOLIA ALL-PURPOSE CREAM, chilled overnight
1/4 cup (56 g) condensed milk


  1. Combine cream with condensed milk. Mix well and set aside.
  2. Spread a bit of cream mixture on the bottom of a 10x8” rectangular pan.
  3. Arrange 20 pieces of graham cracker squares and spread 1/2 cup cream mixture. Layer with broas (about 20 pc) and spread out half of mangoes then 1/2 cup of cream mixture.
  4. Place another layer of graham crackers. Spread 1/2 cup of cream then top with remaining broas and cream followed by remaining mangoes. Crush remaining pack of graham and sprinkle on top.

Makes 12 servings

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