
1-1/4 cups condensed milk
1 cup coconut milk
1 pc buko, grated
3 pc gabi, peeled and grated
1 cup (200 g ) sugar
2 pc banana leaves
3 pc MAGNOLIA BROWN EGGS, use egg yolks only and slightly beaten


  1. In a saucepan, mix condensed milk, coconut milk, buko, gabi and sugar. Cook mixture until thick and buko and gabi strands are tender. Stir continuously to prevent scorching.
  2. Add margarine and continue cooking until it melts completely. Remove from heat.
  3. Line 2 flan pans with banana leaves. Fill pans with cooked mixture. Pour beaten eggyolks on top of coconut-gabi mixture. Cover top with excess banana leaves.
  4. Steam for 30 minutes or until mixture sets.

Makes 8 servings.

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